
The older I get the more I think about what really matters in life.  My thinking has changed over the years, which is to be expected since experiences in life have a way of helping us to adjust how we view things. So what really matters?  Here’s a list to ponder.

  1. RELATIONSHIPS.  Be realistic about life.  It’s not going to go on forever.  There will come a day when you will see no more sunrises, no more sunsets.  So make the most of every day.  Focus on what’s important — relationships.  Cultivate them with care and stay connected with the people you love.
  2. DREAMS.  Go after your hopes and dreams.  Don’t wait for them to come to you.  They might not arrive.  Do the things you plan on doing while there’s opportunity.  When life expires, what you have left undone will expire as well.
  3. BLESSINGS. Whether few or many, every person has blessings.  Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have and be content.  Be thankful.  Buy more of what you need and less of what you want.  In the end, what will matter most is not what you bought, but what you did with wha you had.
  4. GIVING.  Spend more time giving and serving and less time receiving.  People will remember you by what you gave in life, not what you received and collected.  People will remember you by how much you helped others.
  5. TEACHING. Spend less time on what you can study and learn, and more time on teaching and sharing with others through words and good deeds.  Be willing to share your unique talents.
  6. EXAMPLE.  Let your life be an example for others to follow —show compassion for others, especially those less fortunate.  Be willing to sacrifice in order to help those in need.  Demonstrate honesty and integrity.  Encourage and inspire those who need a lift.  And always love unconditionally.
  7. CHARACTER.   Spend less time acquiring skills and competence, and more time building character.  Be genuine and honorable in all that you do.  And always be who you are.
  8. CHOICES. Remember, you always have choices in life.  It’s a freedom no one can take from you without your permission.  One important choice you have is how you will respond to a person or event.  Make wise choices and learn when to say yes and when to say no.
  9. FORGIVENESS.  Determine who you need to forgive and then let go of the hurts they have caused you.  Don’t take hurts, resentments, anger and jealousies to the grave.  Clear the air while you have the opportunity and Rest In Peace.
  10. FAITH.  Your spirituality matters.  Nourish it regularly.  Accept the fact that you are not in control of life. God is.  Trust him.


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